IA 19. 2.1861 Establishment of Oddfellows Lodge. MDA 31. 7.1861 Agent for MDA. IA 18.10.1861 Secretary Oddfellows. MDA 14. 9.1863 Sharebrokers and commission agent. TC 19.11.1864 Sharebroker. TC 9. 9.1865 Accounts etc. on Tarnagulla - 1 year. TC 2.12.1865 General Agent and Broker. TC 26. 5.1866 Assault case-fight with Robert Ross, Lane fined 10/-. TC 10.11.1866 Assault case, H. McMillan. TC 9. 3.1867 To remove bridge across drain. Very active sharebroking at this time. TC 21. 9.1867 Also moneylending. TC 16.11.1867 Ads for mining shares. TC 20.11.1868 Magnificent specimens of gold shown in his window. TC 9. 4.1870 Sharebroker and General Mining Agent, established 10 years. TC 26. 4.1872 Lease applicant West Poverty Co. TC 13.11.1880 Sharebroker at Sandhurst, promoting the Specimen Reef at Cays. ----- This data is part of the David Gordon Index and is provided for private use only. Copyright David Gordon 2012.