IA 25. 7.1863 Prospector of Sandstone Reef. DTSE 22. 9.1864 TC 1. 6.1867 Calls for tenders to erect 5 room brick house. TC 29. 8.1868 Wife (Ann) killed in vehicle bolt down Commercial Road. 48 years old, 4 children, 500 mourners. Native of Wales. TC 21.10.1871 Lease application North Extended Corfu QMCo, German Reef. TC 1. 2.1873 Agrees to extend Golden Hope Tribute for a further 3 years. TC 15. 2.1873 Daughter Mary marries John Long. TC 16. 8.1873 Buying shares in Golden Hope Tribute Co as a result of gold strike at 540'. TC 14.11.1874 Badly hurt in buggy accident. TC 16.10.1875 Lease Application Possum QMCo, north of Sandstone Reef. TC 20.11.1875 On Fete Committee. TC 11. 3.1876 Watkins' Hotel. TC 17. 6.1876 Lease Application The Star Reef Co., 6 acres. TC 26. 8.1876 Asks Council to reduce rates on his mill at Star Reef. TC 30. 9.1876 Marries Margaret Hamin, Llanelly, late of Conneticut, USA. TC 2.12.1876 Applies for a Publican's License for a house situated at Llanelly. TC 7. 9.1878 Allows his leases on Sandstone Reef and Star Reef to run out. Also sells winding gear on Golden Hope Claim to Yorkshire Co. TC 3. 5.1879 Dies. A large funeral. TC 12. 7.1879 Probate applied for. TC 29.11.1879 Margaret Yale Watkins, Maidentown Hotel. TC 10. 2.1883 Watkins Hotel. TC 19. 9.1885 Sale of his properties, an excellent resume of his holdings etc, at Llanelly and district. He was a very wealthy man. TC 7. 8.1886 Maidentown Hotel to Let, been going for 22 years. TC 21. 7.1886 Mrs Watkins transfers license to W A McGregor. TC 18. 6.1887 Mrs M Y Watkins sells cattle, buggy, etc at McGregor's Maidentown Hotel. TC 28. 7.1888 Mrs Watkins selling up, handsome weatherboard cottage Lot 2, Section 19, Tarnagulla. TC 23.9.1901 Four roomed brick dwelling at Llanelly to be sold. ----- This data is part of the David Gordon Index and is provided for private use only. Copyright David Gordon 2012.