MDA 4.12.1857 Secretary, Tarnagulla Races. MDA 19. 1.1858 MDA 23. 3.1858 MDA 27. 7.1858 Chairs Progress Committee, Member Maryborough Mining Board. MDA 29.12.1858 At Bell's farewell. MDA 26. 8.1859 Progress Committee. MDA 28. 9.1859 Chairs election meeting. MDA 16.11.1859 Director Greeks Hill and Wilsons Reef Co. IA 12. 5.1863 Erects machinery for Beynon and Davies. DBCE 31. 8.1863 Engineer. IA 30.2.1937 Dies at Llanelly. ----- This data is part of the David Gordon Index and is provided for private use only. Copyright David Gordon 2012.