IA 19. 4.1861 Need for. IA 30. 4.1861 problems. IA 3. 5.1861 IA 17. 5.1861 Ditto. IA 21. 5.1861 Ditto. IA 24. 5.1861 Ditto. IA 4. 6.1861 MDA 27. 8.1861 R W Hammond appointed. IA 31. 1.1862 A secound appointed. TC 13. 8.1887 James Cheetham is the only one in the town at present, Two more required, William Herd in disgrace over selling grog. TC 27. 8.1887 Herd resigns as JP. TC 24. 8.1889 Complaints about inadequate number locally. TC 21. 4.1894 Ditto, R H Burstall proposed. TC 28. 7.1894 D J Duggan appointed. TC 20. 8.1898 Dr Donovan appointed. TC 18.11.1899 More problems with inadequacy. TC 16.12.1899 J E Duggan recommended for Magistracy. TC 13. 1.1900 J E Duggan recommended by the Borough Council. TC 16. 6.1900 More required urgently. No action taken re Duggan. TC 16.2.1901 Another required. TC 23.2.1901 Burstall Gazetted. Tc 24.10.1908 LD Williams TC 3.12.1910 LD Williams ----- This data is part of the David Gordon Index and is provided for private use only. Copyright David Gordon 2012.