TC 27. 3.1886 Meeting to form called. TC 17. 4.1886 First dance to be held at the pavilion. TC 21. 7.1888 Restarted at the Pavilion. TC 29. 9.1888 Ball held to terminate the conclusion of a very successful season. Good report on ladies' dresses, etc. TC 10.11.1888 W Davies junior presented with a silver chain and locket. TC 27. 4.1889 Meeting called. TC 11. 5.1889 The first of a series of dances to take place next Wednesday. They were a great success last year. TC 19.10.1889 Last gathering of the season at the Pavilion. TC 1. 7.1893 Dance to be held next Friday. TC 14. 4.1894 Will open the Season on Friday. TC 26. 5.1894 Long night next Friday. TC 4. 5.1895 Will open the season next Thursday. TC 14. 9.1895 Annual Ball and Supper to be held 2.10.1895 In the Pavilion. TC 8. 7.1899 Geisha Quadrille Assembly given Council permission to hold dance in the Pavilion. TC 19. 8.1899 Dance Wednesday night. TC 16. 9.1899 Final Ball on Wednesday last, 35 couples, etc. TC 13.9.1902 Dances this winter at the pavilion. TC 11.10.1902 Long night, 40 couples. TC 1.11.1901 Closing dance of the season. TC 14.3.1903 Will be held over winter months. TC 2.5.1903 Excelsior Club at the reservoir. TC 9.5.1903 Ditto. TC 16.5.1903 Ditto. TC 23.5.1903 Long night. TC 13.6.1903 Long night. TC 4.7.1903 Ditto. TC 30.4.1904 Season to open. TC 23.7.1904 Long night. TC 1.3.1905 Pound night. TC 25.3.1905 Series of dances to be held. ----- This data is part of the David Gordon Index and is provided for private use only. Copyright David Gordon 2012.