IA 29. 3.1961 Rushed. IA 16. 4.1861 Report. IA 19. 4.1861 Report. IA 26. 4.1861 Excellent report. Prospects not great. Many shepherding claims. IA 17. 5.1861 Report Sycilian Gully. MDA 29. 7.1861 Report, 300 on ground. MDA 9. 8.1861 Falling off. MDA 16. 8.1861 Successful digger dies in accident - drunk. TC 27.12.1873 Robert Leisk, Publican's License. TC 31.10.1874 Tenders called to erect wooden school. TC 9. 3.1878 Correspondent's Report. TC 23. 3.1878 Correspondent's Report. TC 18. 5.1878 Meeting of the Association. Good report. Mainly formed by the energy of D J Duggan. TC 18. 5.1878 Meeting of Farmers Association. Good reading. Wesleyan Chapel mentioned. TC 20. 4.1878 Farmers Association to be formed. TC 27. 4.1878 Farmers Association formed. TC 27. 7.1878 Correspondent's Report. Farmer's Association inactive. A night school has been formed and is well attended by as many as 25 scholars. TC 17. 8.1878 Meeting Murphy's Creek and Tarnagulla Farmers Association. Chairman John Falder. TC 15. 3.1879 Murder at Murphy's Creek. Good report. TC 29. 3.1879 More about the murder. TC 5. 4.1879 Meeting of M. C. and Tarna Farmers Asscn. at M. C. school room. TC 31. 5.1879 Annual tea meeting of the School. A very good report. TC 13. 9.1879 Concert in connection with Young Men's Society. TC 19. 6.1880 Leisk's Welcome Inn. TC 21.10.1882 Opening of the new Wesleyan Church. TC 17.10.1883 Meeting of farmers re pastoral tennant Sanderson, they are most unhappy with him. TC 11.10.1884 Anniversary of Wesleyan Church. Very good report. TC 27.12.1884 Professor Baldwin claims to have name of Murphy's Creek murderer. TC 3.10.1885 Farmers are buying cattle to supply the new Cheese Factory, sveral farmers have started to supply milk. TC 24.10.1885 Anniversary of the Wesleyan Church. TC 16. 1.1886 Correspndent's Report. TC 3. 7.1886 Correspondent's Report. TC 28. 8.1886 Correspondent's Report. TC 23.10.1886 Ditto. TC 29. 1.1887 Ditto, bushfires, etc. TC 21. 5.1887 The School has 27 pupils, Miss Elder, teacher. TC 15.10.1887 Report on the Prospecting Association. TC 29.10.1887 A meeting to establish a branch of the United Farmers League. TC 17.12.1887 Correspondent's Report. TC 21. 7.1888 Correspondent's Report. Duggan will oppose Nichols for Shire Councillorship. TC 1.12.1888 Correspondent's Report. TC 23. 2.1889 Meeting of Murphy's Creek Farmers League. TC 22. 6.1889 Correspondent's Report. TC 19. 7.1890 Schoolteacher dismissed for misconduct. TC 4. 7.1891 Sendoff to railway contractors. TC 19.12.1891 Big Bushfire. TC 16. 4.1892 White Hill, Murphy's Flat. TC 13. 5.1893 Public meeting to complain at the abolition of the loose mail bag. TC 27. 5.1893 Mentioned in Shire Council meeting. TC 10. 6.1893 Following a petition to Govt., the tri-weekly mail service will continue. TC 25.11.1893 Anniversary of Wesleyan Church. TC 1. 6.1895 Concert and Coffee Supper at the Wesleyan Churdh. TC 8. 6.1895 Report on this concert. TC 11. 1.1895 Bushfire. TC 5. 9.1896 Picnic to be held in aid of the Wesleyan Church Organ Fund. TC 12.12.1896 Dept of Public Works calls for tenders to repair and paint Murphy's Creek School No 1311. TC 30.10.1897 A Picnic, Murphy's Creek Wesleyan Church. TC 6.11.1897 Details of the picnic. TC 12.11.1898 Mutual Improvement Society. TC 10.12.1898 Cricket, wheat crops. TC 21. 1.1899 Four Kelly Children lost on the bush. Good report. TC 18. 2.1899 Cricket. TC 6. 5.1899 Social. TC 16. 9.1899 Debate, accident to William Evans. TC 18.11.1899 Harvest, Haymaking, frosts, shearing. TC 6. 1.9000 Cricket. TC 26. 5.1900 Social in the Schoolhouse to mark the sixth session of the Improvement Association. TC 4. 8.1900 R W Nicholls is the Secretary of the Progressive Association. A passenger shelter, etc is required at the Laurie Station. TC 11. 8.1900 Football. TC 16.3.1901 Beaten at cricket by Llanelly. TC 23.3.1901 Cricket, the team consists of five Silkes and four Calders. TC 30.3.1901 Annual picnic of the State School. TC 29.6.1901 Mutual Improvement Society. TC 3.8.1901 Concert in aid Mutual Imp Society. TC 15.3.1902 Cricket, beaten by Tarnagulla. TC 18.10.1902 Mutual Improvement Society. TC 6.12.1902 Cricket. TC 17.6.1905 Arbor Day. TC 23.9.1905 Hospital Concert. TC 28.10.1905 School Concert. TC 8.9.1906 TC 30.5.1908 Painting school TC 20.6.1908 School Tc 11.7.1908 School, Miss Bool Tc 14.11.1908 Concert Tc 21.8.1909 Flood Tc 16.10.1909 TC 23.10.1909 Cricket Tc 13.11.1909 Cricket TC 19.2.1910 Cricket TC 7.5.1910 Football TC 24.9.1910 Football and Cricket Clubs TC 29.10.1910 Hospital Concert TC 5.8.1911 Football TC 16.3.1912 Schoolteacher TC 1.3.1913 Harvest Thanksgiving Tc 14.6.1913 Miss Bool at the school Tc 9.8.1913 Arbor Day TC 30.5.1914 Empire Day Tc 3.4.1915 Political meeting Tc 22.5.1915 Red Cross Concert TC 29.5.1915 Empire Day TC 18.3.1916 Meth TC 26.5.1917 Empire Day TC 14.7.1917 Red Cross Tc 11.8.1917 War Effort Tc 29.9.1917 Mail TC 29.3.1918 Red Cross picnic TC 8.11.1918 School working bee IA 18.10.1929 Concert. ----- This data is part of the David Gordon Index and is provided for private use only. Copyright David Gordon 2012.