Telegram to Hon. Thomas Comrie MLC from Hon. Sir Henry Cuthbert MLC 21 October 1897

Telegram to Hon. Thomas Comrie MLC from Hon. Sir Henry Cuthbert MLC 21 October 1897

Hon. Sir Henry Cuthbert MLC was the Member for the Wellington Province in the Victorian Legislative Council and was the Solicitor General. and this telegram asked Thomas to move the Address in Reply to the Governor's Speech.
Endorsed on the reverse is
"Shall be pleased to accede to your request. Kindly forward copy Governor's speech as soon as possible
T. Comrie"

George Swinburne Collection


  • Phil Spencer on 2018-Oct-24 08:38:51 Phil Spencer said

    Thomas Comrie's Speech is on the web.
    He spoke well and his speech was seconded by Sir Rupert Clarke.
    As well as complimenting the Government of Victoria for producing a surplus for the first time for many years, he said: "The income tax is to be reduced, and this concession will tell most favorably in the interests of Victoria, by retaining within it a large amount of money which since the passing of our Income Tax Act (which is the highest in the world) has been other· wise bestowed. "

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